In-water survey of ship hull
In-water survey (referred to as IWS) is a method of surveying the underwater parts of a ship while it is still afloat. With our ROVs, we carry out IWS without any interference with the vessel’s normal loading and discharging operation or physical contact with the vessel’s crew. No need for off-hire. Our equipment is very mobile, and can be easily unpacked and moved in a short time.
We document all assignments in a detailed report and full HD. We will deliver video and/or pictures according to your needs and specifications. We can also live stream the assignment to any place in the world.
How is an IWS performed?
The IWS is carried out at the agreed location with our custom-made van, ROV pilot and ROV assistant. The assignment lasts between 1,5-2 hours, depending on the size of the vessel, visibility and any findings.

The ROV pilot has good communication with the ship’s captain , as well as a review of the GA plan before the inspection starts. This is to ensure that all parties involved know how the IWS is to be preformed.
Following the assignment
The shipping company’s representative and class-society will receive a detailed report, with video/still-photos. We can store this documentation in our VUVI Cloud if this is a desire from you.