
March, 2024 | English 

In Collaboration with Østensjø Rederier VUVI achieves ROV Milestone

We are pleased to announce a significant milestone in the realm of marine inspection. In collaboration with Østensjø RederiEdda Accommodation and DNV. We successfully conducted an In-Water Survey (IWS) 70 nautical miles off the coast of Angola.

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February, 2024 | English 

Challenges of CO₂ Quotas in Shipping

The introduction of CO₂ quotas in the shipping industry poses several challenges for the sector. These challenges primarily revolve around the financial burden on shipping companies, uncertainty about compliance, and the need for significant operational changes to meet environmental standards. Here’s an overview of these challenges and how propeller cleaning by use of ROV forms a part of the solution.

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September, 2023 | English

Advantages of using ROV for IWS

Over several years, we have refined our IWS procedures, to continuously deliver the best possible service to you.

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June, 2023 | English 

The Process of Condition-Based Cleaning for Propellers

Condition-based cleaning of propellers revolutionizes maintenance practices by determining the optimal time for cleaning based on the actual condition of the propeller. This data-driven approach maximizes effectiveness and reduces costs. Let’s explore the key steps involved in the process of condition-based cleaning for propellers.

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June, 2023 | English

Enhancing Efficiency and Performance: The Benefits of Condition-Based Cleaning for Propellers

Maintaining clean propellers is crucial for optimal vessel performance and fuel efficiency. Traditional scheduled cleaning methods may not always align with the varying growth rate of marine fouling throughout the year. That’s where condition-based cleaning comes into play. By combining visual inspections, fuel consumption monitoring, and innovative technologies, such as VUVI in collaboration with Maress from VPS, ship operators can determine precisely when propellers require cleaning, maximizing effectiveness while minimizing costs.

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April, 2023 | English

Live-stream your next IWS

We are excited to offer you a cutting-edge service that can help you maintain and improve your ships’ performance and safety. Our in-water survey service is performed by an advanced ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) and can be live-streamed to wherever you are in the world.

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March, 2023 | English

Advantages of In-water inspection done by ROV

In-water inspection of ship hulls is an essential part of ship maintenance and repair. In the past, divers were often used to perform these inspections, but with advancements in technology, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are now widely used. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages of using ROVs for in-water inspection of ship hulls.

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January, 2022 |, Norwegian

Inntektene fra fjernstyrt skipsinspeksjon tok av i takt med pandemien

Siden oppstarten i 2013 og fram til 2019 har selskapet Vuvi, som spesialiserer seg på skipsinspeksjoner med fjernstyrte undervannsfarkoster (ROV), gått med underskudd og aldri omsatt for mer enn 600.000 kroner, men i 2020 snudde det.

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August, 2020 | Marine Technology, English 

“World First”: Remote In-water Ship Surveys via ROV

As COVID-19 continues to challenge many business plans and practices, the advent of remote inspection techniques is growing in popularity. What is reported to be the world’s first in-water remote ship surveys using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) have been completed by DNV GL. 

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December, 2020 | Maritime Bergen, Norwegian

Se hva et lite gründerselskap fra Bergen har fått til!

Den pågående pandemien gjør at store deler av den maritime næringen sliter, med permitteringer, oppsigelser og lavere inntjening. Men likevel er det enkelte ting som får styrket fremvekst, kanskje nettopp på grunn av delvis nedstengningen av landet og verden for øvrig. 

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November, 2019 | Maritimt Magasin, Norwegian

Skroginnspeksjon uten bruk av dykker

Den tradisjonelle måten å inspisere et skrog i forbindelse med sertifikatfornyelser og vedlikehold er ved bruk av dykker. VUVI AS mener å tilby en metode som er både raskere, mer kostnadseffektiv og med vel så god kvalitet, det skjer ved bruk av ROV. 

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